Monday, 2 January 2017


                               WHAT DO YOU WANT?
Hello friend, I am most delighted to welcome you to 2017. It's another year; of 365days, 525600hrs. ,31536000sec., there is no reason on earth to why you should fail, posterity will not forgive you if you do! Do you know why? It's because you have so much of time at your disposal to make and create anything you want, oh yes! I mean anything. What then should you do to ensure your flight to success and greatness?
                           MATERIALS FOR SUCCESS
The right of a man to life, is his ability to make choice. I call it the; "HUMAN RIGHT LAW" once this is taken from a man, he or she seizes to be him or herself  only to become someone else particularly the one in controll at that moment. Therefore your choices are spiritual to your purpose and destiny, this implies that every time you make a choice, you create a future! The consequences of your choices are the results of what happens to you. Largely! This defines what you receive and practically what you become. Making a bad choice is creating a bad future; whatever your choices are you become. Your choices are your decisions. Don't trade your future!

This defines and redefines what you see and believe. Micheal Angelo once said "I see an angel in the stone" it does not matter what people see and choose to believe, it makes no impute to your creation, but what matters is what you see and believe. If you choose to see things differently, you will have them differently. However! your perception is your conception. One thing you've got to understand is the model called LIFE. Things will only respond to you on the bases of what you see.

This is capacity building; to become what you have in your mind, you must as a matter of fact develop into it! You are EMPOWERED as well as MOTIVATED to pursuing your desired goals and targets consequently of your sight in focuse. Your entire system is built to function in the capacity of you development per your focuse. What's power by the way? The ability to do work, right? If power is the ability, focuse is the generator of that ability. How do you aquire the momentum for focuse?
This question simply underscores one fact and it's that the momentum for focuse can either be increased or degreased. Whatever affects your mind positively or negatively can either increase or degrease the momentum of your focuse. So watch it! SUCCESS AND FAILURE IS A CHOICE.

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